RFSU:s forskarnätverk: Föreläsningsserie Våren 2020 - Livesänds

RFSU har fem olika tematiska nätverk som engagerar aktiva medlemmar från hela Sverige. Ett av dem är RFUS:s forskarnätverk.

Under våren arrangerar Forskarnätverket en seminarieserie bestående fristående föreläsningar som på olika sätt knyter an till sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter (SRHR).

Syftet med seminarieserien är att sprida en kunskapsbaserad syn på SRHR samt skapa ett plattform där forskare, yrkesverksamma och aktivister kan samlas för att diskutera med varandra.

Seminarierna sänds live i RFSU:s medlemsgrupp på facebook "RFSU Medlemmar" och går även att se i efterhand. Det krävs att du är medlem för att få tillgång till gruppen. Läs mer om hur du blir medlem här: https://www.rfsu.se/blimedlem

In English:

RFSU coordinates five different thematic networks consisting of active members from all over Sweden. One of them is the RFSU Research Network.

This spring the Research Network arranges a seminar series on topics connected to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).

The purpose of the seminar series is to spread a knowledge-based view on SRHR, and create a space where researchers, practitioners and activists can meet to discuss with one another.

The seminars will be live streamed in RFSU’s Facebook group for members "RFSU Medlemmar". For information on how to become a member, see www.rfsu.se/blimedlem

SEMINAR 3 (In English) Wednesday June 3rd, 18:00-19:00

Presenter and topic: Mia Kolak from Lunds university presents: The Swedish model of contraception counselling - The midwife as an educator and a facilitator.

Location: Online only! Due to Covid- 19 we will only present this seminar online, without physical audience. You will still be able to ask questions and interact with the presenter during the seminar, online.

About the seminar: Contraception counselling and access to contraceptives is a global concern for all people. Access and knowledge about contraceptives and anatomy is a human right and a corner stone for womens abilities for education and work. Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) - education with focus on contraception and anatomy, is not as prioritized in the majority of countries worldwide. Women are not given education and knowledge about their possibilities and rights to choose if and when to have children and with whom. Through the global migrant crisis, women are living in Sweden with no prior or very little education concerning SRHR rights and contraceptives. In Sweden we have a unique model, often called the “Swedish model” where Midwifes are the main providers for contraception counselling and prescription. Almost all women meet a midwife in Sweden sometime during their life time for different reasons. The midwife is therefore an important person for many women as an educator and a facilitator. I am going to tell you more about this meeting from a contraception counselling aspect.

När: 3 juni 2020 18:00 - 3 juni 2020 19:00

Var: / Digital

Arrangör: RFSU