”Utbildning under ockupation”

Panel discussion on "Education under occupation in Palestine"

I en paneldiskussion med deltagare från Birzeit University, Hebron university och Göteborgs universitet kommer det talas om de förutsättningar som råder för universitetsutbildningen i det ockuperade Palestina.

Efter en kort presentation av paneldeltagarna och deras erfarenheter kommer publiken bjudas in till diskussion om hur ockupation påverkar vardagen för det akademiska livet, men även om vilka möjligheter och utmaningar som finns för akademiskt utbyte mellan universitet i Palestina och i Sverige.

Are you interested in learning about the possibilities and challenges for pursuing higher education in Palestine and Sweden? And understand the ways in which the Israeli occupation influences the conduct of everyday academic life in Palestine? Join us for a panel discussion with scholars from Birzeit University, Hebron University, and University of Gothenburg. After short presentations by the panelists, the audience will be invited to discuss these and other related questions.

  • Islah Jad, associate professor of political science from the Cultural Studies Department & the Institute of Women's Studies, Birzeit University.

  • Amir Khalil, assistant professor from the Department of Law, and Officer of External Academic Relations, Birzeit University.

  • Sami Adwan, associate professor of education and vice president for academic affairs, University of Hebron.

  • Ahmad Swity, associate professor and Head of the Department of Jurisprudence and Private Law, University of Hebron.

  • Helena Lindholm, professor of peace and development studies at the School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg.

  • Feras Hemmami, assistant professor of critical heritage studies and urban planning at the Department of Conservation, University of Gothenburg

  • Tommaso Milani, professor of multilingualism at the Department of Swedish Language, University of Gothenburg

  • Tetz Rooke, professor of Arabic at the Department of Languages & Literatures, University of Gothenburg

När: 11 januari 2019 17:00 - 11 januari 2019 19:00

Var: Grönsaksgatan 1 / Göteborg

Arrangör: PalTech Sweden och palestinier.