Fire of the Goddess of Love workshop Gotland 8-9 july

"Come and let the Goddess of Love ignite your energy and nurture you into becoming more who you really are. Held by Katinka Soetens, Priestess of Avalon and Sacred Sexual Priestess of Rhiannon." /Katinka Soetens

Katinka Soetens bedriver prästinneutbildning i bla England inom ramen för utbildningarna vid Glastonbury Goddess Tempel. Men hon reser också runt i Europa för att utbilda kvinnor och väcka kunskapen och motsvarande lokala Gudinnor. Katinka är mycket kunnig inom tantrisk praxis och har fokuserat sin utbildning kring den keltiska kärleksgudinnan Rhiannon, som har stora likheter med den nordiska Freja. Den här workshopen är ett fristående event som ges i Sverige.

OBS workshopen hålls på engelska.

Praktisk info: platsen för kursen är gården Bogs i Stånga, en gård med ruiner från medeltiden med en huvudbyggnad ifrån 1700-talet. Bakom ladugården hittades den berömda Kylverstenen, så platsen har varit bebodd under mycket lång tid. Här finns också möjlighet för de som reser till Gotlands att bo enkelt i tältkåta.

Workshopen kommer att vara både inne och ute, allt efter väder och aktivitet. I priset ingår workshopen, enkel övernattning i tältkåta, två luncher och frukost, totalt 2500kr. För de som väljer att övernatta finns möjlighet till gemensam middag om man så vill, eller så väljer man ett eget alternativ. I Stånga finns både restaurang och vandrarhem nära.

Anmälan sker i meddelande till Vildvittras fb-sida eller här i eventet (länk nedan). Då skickas uppgifter om inbetalning och mer praktisk info.

Nedan finner du Katinkas egen beskrivning av workshopen.

Rhiannon is the Celtic Goddess of Love, She is mistress of the Labyrinth and Hearts’ flame of Desire. She is the guiding light of our joy and truth. To walk Her Path of Love is to become more authentically whom you actually are, to open further to Love and to find the place of presence and surrender to Her flow within you.

In this experiential workshop we will learn to listen for and follow Rhiannon’s guidance, we will work with dance, movement, sharing, breath, touch, meditation, creativity and sensuality to realize what blocks us loving ourselves and others, so that we may see and experience the Goddess of Love in our own body and being as well as in others.

We will work with the Fire of Her snake, igniting the rising kundalini (life/sexual) energy in us. Using dance and movements, we will raise our sexual energy into our heart-space. We will meet our inner Goddess and experience the beauty of our awakened senses. Using specific mediation, our sexual/life energy and heart love flow will meet with Her Divine Love in a state often described as bliss.

Working with Her Fire Dragon, we will be exploring both the inner secret fire that holds the keys to alchemical transformation, but also the celestial fire that surrounds and penetrates us and weaves the fabric of the universe through the power of Her love. Dragon also holds the shadow we must face to enter into the mysteries. Our Dragon can hide in the flame of desire and in the shadow of our wounding patterns, but always guards the gold of authentic being and loving relating.

In this workshop we will explore Dragon as the mythical aspect of our sacred sexual self. As such, it is the guardian of our treasure and the voice of our intuitive knowing. Dragon, as the manifested twin kundalini serpents of sacred sexuality, which combine, rise in harmony, and fly up through the crown with the wings of consciousness, embodies the integration of inner masculine and feminine. Here hides the ancient dragon power of the tribe of King Arthur Pendragon, elemental manifestation of our free sexual energy source, the full embodiment of the protector and the guardian of the Goddess and Her ways of Love.

As people of this age and time, many of us are endeavoring to awaken, to become more real, as we are called to be the change we have been waiting for. This means we are asked to become more authentic in all we do, say, feel and share. To become more loving, more empowered, to be more conscious in our communication, thought and actions, especially in the places of our love relationships.

Come and open to the soft power of Her love and explore the wisdom of Goddess Fire, learn new skills, sit in sacred sharing circles. With empowerment of your essence, shadow hunting and exploration of life changing ceremonies to guide you deeply into initiations of the remembered embodiment. Reclaim the Soft Power and Womb Wisdom of the Feminine: a sacred journey of empowerment, owning your Blood-Fire and Full-Desire.

A weekend workshop journeying with Rhiannon into what it means to priestess love for yourself and others, working with the archetype of Fire and the gifts of the Lover Goddess Rhiannon.

När: 8 juli 2017 07:00 - 9 juli 2017 13:00

Var: Bogs gård i Stånga / Gotland

Arrangör: Vildvittra